Members are encouraged to participate in our first ever art show hosted by The FaFa Gallery and Silver’s Framery!
Deadline to turn in your ready for sale art is January 1st and will have our first meeting of the year January 6th at 6pm.
Contact Kimberly Cowan for more information. [email protected]
1. Everything that you put in the show needs to be listed as for sale. Take into account how much it cost you to print, order, and/or frame your photographs when making your sale prices. The FaFa Gallery takes a 25% commission off every sale, except if the buyer wants to frame or re-frame the image then the artist would receive 100% of the sale price. The FaFA Gallery would make their money off what they charge the customer to frame the artwork. An example would be if you put an image up for sale for $100 and a customer buys and wants the picture just the way it is, you would receive $75 for the sale. If the customer said, I want that artwork but can you put a frame on it then you would receive the whole $100 sale price.
2. Images need to ”Wall Ready” meaning that you are happy with how you want to present your work. Photographs DO NOT have to be in a frame, there are ways of hanging just prints, mounted images, metal prints, and canvas. That does not mean that framed images are not welcome, I just wanted to clarify for everyone that your photographs do not have to be in a frame to be put in the art show.
3. I understand that the 1st falls on a Sunday, so images may be dropped off up till the 5th at the very latest. It would be better if everyone could have there work in by the 4th as that is when break down of the work currently hanging will be taken down and our show will begin being put up, but I understand if anyone has had shipping delays so work can still be brought during the day on Thursday the 5th. If you have any questions about dropping off please feel free to message me or Kimberly Cowan or just call Jeff at the FaFa Gallery. Jeff will be out of town until next Tuesday, but there will be someone at the gallery to accept pieces just call the gallery ahead of time please. If you cannot reach anyone at the gallery you can call me at 432-214-5034 and I will help.
4. Lastly, the shows opening night will be January 6th at 6:00pm till 10:00pm. There is an event that has been added to The FaFa Gallery Facebook page. The show will remain up until sometime in March. The Midland Art Crawl will also be coming through the show on March 3rd, 2023, so prepare to make some money that night! Do not be afraid to put work into the show, this is an amazing opportunity to showcase your talent, market yourself and your photography, and make some extra cash too!